Recent News

Plant-based traditional medicines to treat Buruli ulcers

Eli Benchell Eisman, a post-doctoral research fellow working in the lab of David Sherman in the LSI and a STEM-Africa Seed Scholar, spent ten weeks in Ghana investigating plant-based traditional medicines in hopes of ultimately developing new drugs.

Regulating cellular recycling

LSI researchers have discovered a key regulator of autophagy, the cellular recycling process involved in many human diseases. The finding illuminates potential new drug targets for cancer, neurodegeneration and other diseases.

New antibiotic active against MRSA and anthrax

Researchers at the LSI and the National Biodiversity Institute (INBio) in Costa Rica have discovered a new antibiotic that is active against both Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and anthrax in laboratory tests.

Determining neural specificity

Researchers at U-M have shown that the specific connection of sensory neurons to the correct targets in the central nervous system in fruit flies is dependent on how active the neurons are.

Decoding dengue and West Nile

A team of scientists at U-M and Purdue University has discovered a key aspect both to how the viruses replicate in the cells of their host and how they manipulate the immune system as they spread.  

Targeting an aspect of Down syndrome

U-M researchers have determined how a gene that is known to be defective in Down syndrome is regulated and how its dysregulation may lead to neurological defects, providing insights into potential therapeutic approaches to an aspect of the syndrome.