The U-M Program in Chemical Biology is an interdepartmental degree program through the Rackham Graduate School. It offers a doctoral program in Chemical Biology and a master's program in Cancer Chemical Biology. The program is administrated by the LSI and directed by LSI faculty member Alison Nayaran.
For Graduate Students

Program in Chemical Biology
David and Michelle Kroin Graduate Student Professional Development Program
The David and Michelle Kroin Graduate Student Professional Development Program (Kroin Program) was established to enrich the experience of students working in laboratories at the Life Sciences Institute (LSI). Professional development opportunities are critical to the success of students working towards their Ph.D., and the Kroin Program helps remove financial barriers for participation in these pivotal experiences that can change the trajectory of their careers.
For Graduate Students & Postdoctoral Fellows

LSI Cubed
LSI Cubed promotes cross-lab collaboration and provides an opportunity for LSI trainees to lead a research project by funding “cubes” of two to three researchers from at least two labs.
Each year, the LSI will fund selected projects up to $10,000 for supplies and equipment to carry out the proposed research.
Teams can include two to three graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, research investigators and/or research staff, but must be led by an LSI trainee. A letter of support from a faculty mentor is required for each proposal.
For Postdoctoral Fellows

Michigan Pioneer Fellows
The Michigan Pioneer Fellows program comprises a unique, multidisciplinary community of scholars, and provides mentorship focused on nurturing and launching truly innovative scientists into groundbreaking careers. This partnership between the LSI, Medical School, College of Pharmacy and College of Literature, Science, and the Arts offers a generous stipend, strong mentorship and skill-building to prepare researchers for independent careers.
David and Meredith Kaplan Michigan-Israel Visiting Scholars
For Undergraduate Students
Perrigo Undergraduate Summer Fellowship
Each year, undergraduate students from across Michigan are invited to apply to spend 10 weeks working with mentors in our state-of-the-art laboratories, getting hands-on immersive experience in basic science research. Fellows receive a stipend and housing support.
Rosen Fellows
The Rosen Fellows program provides need-based support to undergraduate students working in LSI labs, with a preference for students placed through the U-M Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP). Support is available during the summer.
For High School Students & Undergraduate Students

Aspirnaut Summer Research Internship Program
This internship program is an opportunity for high school students from under-resourced communities to immerse themselves in a hands-on research experience. For students driven by a curiosity about the life sciences, we provide an ideal six-week exposure in the exciting world of scientific research.
Get Involved
Donors who are passionate about science, and interested in helping future generations of scientists can make a difference through their support of these and other educational programs.