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Acrylic genetics: When scientific research becomes a work of art

When Kärt Tomberg joined the Ginsburg lab at the LSI, she planned to identify the genetic factors that play a role in a fatal blood clotting disease. Now, the culmination of that project is featured in the September 2018 issue of PLOS Genetics, not just as a research study, but as art.

The unconventional wisdom of Baldomero Olivera

Not every molecular biologist would think to look in cone snail venom for potential therapeutics. But a long-held interest in his surrounding biological environment — and a habit of making unconventional choices — led Baldomero “Toto” Olivera to do just that.

LSI symposium brings leading experts together to explore 'The Power of One’

Recently, scientific leaders in the single-cell field gathered at the University of Michigan for the 2018 Saltiel Life Sciences Symposium, to discuss how their labs are developing and harnessing new technologies to answer questions about cellular identity and to highlight the immense power of single cell analyses.

Video: Investigating microtubules and motor proteins

Puck Ohi, Ph.D., describes his lab’s work to understand how motor proteins organize microtubules within the cell, and how those proteins processes could be used to stop cell division in cancer.

Receptor protein in the brain controls the body’s fat ‘rheostat’

Scientists revealed that a receptor protein in the brain acts as the body’s “energy rheostat,” ensuring that the balance of energy and fat does not drift too far above or below its homeostatic set point. The findings open new doors for developing anti-obesity drugs.

A ‘timeless’ tradition: How fly genes get their names

When scientists discover a new phenomenon, they often get to name it. For researchers who study the model system Drosophila melanogaster, or fruit flies, that means participating in a long tradition that is a hallmark of the field’s culture.