- Perkin Elmer Envision and BMG PHERAstar plate readers for high throughput luminescence and fluorescence imaging
- Hamamatsu FDSS 7000 high-throughput kinetic fluorescence/luminescence imaging plate reader
- SynchroPatch 384PE for high-throughput electrophysiological assays
- MDC Image Express Micro (IXM) with an incubator hotel and robotic arm for performing microscopic imaging-based assays in high throughput

Nanion SyncroPatch 384PE
Data collection instruments

Echo Acoustic Liquid Handler
Liquid handlers
- Echo 655 fully automated acoustic liquid handler for non-contact dispense of volumes down to 2.5 nL
- Biomek FX 96 and 384 programmable liquid handling instrument for compound management
- Biomek FX 384-well programmable liquid handling instrument for seeding the cell lines and compounds
- TTP Labtech Mosquito for cherry picking hits from the chemical collection.
- Scioclone ALHD 3000 V&P pintool for preparing sample plates
- Biotek ELx405, Biotek EL 406 and BluecatWasher plate washers