Recent News

Daniel Klionsky wins van Deenen Medal

LSI faculty member Daniel J. Klionsky was awarded the 2015 van Deenan Medal from the Institute of Biomembranes at Utrecht University in The Netherlands.

Pedro Cuatrecasas to receive honorary degree from U-M

Pedro Cuatrecasas, M.D., a renowned leader in the pharmaceutical industry and co-chair of the University of Michigan Life Sciences Institute Scientific Advisory Board, is scheduled to receive honorary degrees at Winter Commencement 2015.

Resistance mechanism found against new antibiotics

A team from the LSI, University of Illinois, Chicago, and University of Southern Denmark has identified a resistance mechanism against ketolides, a new type of antibiotics just entering widespread use.

First peek at how neurons multitask

LSI scientists have shown how a single neuron can perform multiple functions in a model organism, illuminating for the first time this fundamental biological mechanism and shedding light on the human brain.

Plant-based traditional medicines to treat Buruli ulcers

Eli Benchell Eisman, a post-doctoral research fellow working in the lab of David Sherman in the LSI and a STEM-Africa Seed Scholar, spent ten weeks in Ghana investigating plant-based traditional medicines in hopes of ultimately developing new drugs.